well, here i am, sixty six years old, ready to begin again!
so much questioning, so much self debate ...
should i, shouldn't i?
should we, shouldn't we?
even spoke to my beloved mann about it.
not that he voices his opinion in actual words you understand!
but, after our thirty six years of marriage, i am usually pretty damn sure of what he would say.
one day, i just knew. time to move on, time to settle down, time to begin the new life.
i find my life tends to come in segments and although it is sometimes a little difficult to tell an end from a beginning ...
suddenly, surprisingly, i just knew.
of course it is not an actual brand new beginning! more like a return to a previous starting point, older, wiser and determined to succeed.
today - the first day of the rest of my life!
A Very Nice Day Indeed
It has been a truly good day. One of those rare days where I haven't felt
stressed or anxious or guilty or overly depressed. It has been so
wonderful. I ...
16 hours ago