prompt - "So we decided to (blank)" and fill in the blank."
so we decided to keep talking
communication is important
at the very least
an attempt should be made
it is difficult to speak
when you are scared shitless
and slightly inebriated
the light of the moon
softened the unfamiliar
eoghan cleared his throat
pursed his lips
and pronounced loudly
to all and sundry
in that undeniably poncy accent
he oft times affects
when he is looking for trouble
"my friend here intended no offence
he merely stated his preference ...
for a pint of guinness"
the fire crackled and sparked
a slight breeze
billowed the wood smoke in our direction
silence fell
the strangers turned their attention
on my friend eoghan
Copyright © 2009 by Eryll Oellermann
Come On In
Last night I asked Mr. Moon if he would like to go to Bradley's country
store today to get some real grits and maybe some sausage. Bradley's is a
16 hours ago
As a card carrying, enthusiastic lesbian who just cannot help where her mind goes, reading the prompt made me accidentally think the title:
So we decided to fill in the blank
wotta wicked woman you are margo moon. i like the way your mind works!
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